Monday, September 1, 2008

Louisiana State Emergency Info

All sorts of good info can be found on the state Web site -


DancingGranny26 said...

Thanks for the update. Sent it out to neighbors, family and friends who are scattered all over. This has been wonderful, being able to reach out to our community members wherever they may be. This has proven to be a lifesaver for everyone. Just be careful about giving out your home addresses on any blog. Thank you for taking care of us from afar....dkep up the great work to our parish government and sheriff's office.

Herb said...
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John said...

Great job guys. Keep up the good work with this excellent tool. Jefferson Parish, Orleans and the rest of the Parish EOC's should take a page from your playbook next time around to help get the news out. Excellent job. Thanks Tab, Renee, and Co.

feedingthebobbin said...

hear hear! like many, I have been checking in constantly to this blog for updates and a connection with home. taking advantage of this medium was a brilliant move. your attention to these posts has been a comfort -- I thank you so much for them.